Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Life without Facebook, i miss you (FB)

Memo out this week, Strictly no Facebook, Friendster, Twitter and Youtube during office hours. How i going to spend my time without FB? No more farming, feeding and cooking!!
My FB schedule changed to 4 times a day:
Morning (before come to work)
Noon (back for Lunch)
Evening (back from Work)
Night (back from dating)
Office hours? Hmm.. .. Luckily i have something to do and it's really take me long time to tidy and complete. If not?? Hm.. .. I can't imagine how i would be??
Facebook is getting a part of everyone's life. To connect with friends, family, colleagues, ex schoolmates and even someone who knows u but u have no idea. HAHAHAHA!! To spend time with games and to update friends' status. When feeling down, u post; When feeling happy, you post; When feeling mad, you post; We post everything that's in our mind. We share and we comments. Facebook, you are the BEST.