Tuesday, August 31, 2010

芝味十足 の 巧克力奶芝士蛋糕





1 片8" 海绵蛋糕 1 slice 8" sponge cake

400g巧克力奶 400g chocolate milk
250g奶油芝士 250g cream cheese
50g普通面粉,过筛 50g plain flour, sieved

5粒蛋黄 5 egg yolks

5粒蛋白 5 egg whites
70g幼糖 70g caster sugar

巧克力粒 chocolate chips

1. 将烤箱预热至180度。将一个8"圆型烤盘上油纸,让如一片预先烤好的海绵蛋糕。
Prehear the oven at 180 degree celcius. Line a 8" round cake molt with grease proof paper and put in a slice of sponge cake.

2. 将巧克力奶和奶油芝士隔水加热搅拌至完全溶解,加入面粉继续拌煮至浓稠,离火待冷,加入材料B拌匀。
Double boil chocolate milk and cream cheese until cream cheese has melted. Add in plain flour, stir and cook until the mixture has thickened. Remove from heat and leave to cool. Add B and mix well.

3. 蛋白和幼糖放入搅拌缸里,以球状拌打器快速拌打至软性发泡,取出慢慢拌入(2)料。
Whisk egg whites and caster sugar in a high speed until soft peak formed. Slowly mix into mixture(2).

4. 最后将芝士糊过筛,倒在海绵蛋糕上,洒下巧克力粒。
Strain the mixture onto sponge cake. Sprinkle chocolate chips on top.

5. 用蒸烤的方式,以180度烤20分钟,然后将温度调到140度,继续烤1小时45分钟或至熟。
Steam-bake the cheesecake at 180 degree celcius for 20 minutes. After that, reduce the temperature to 140 degree celcius and continue to bake for 1 hour and 45 minutes or until cooked.

6. 将烤箱的门打开一条缝,让烤好的蛋糕留在烤箱内约1小时,待冷放入冰箱冷藏4小时,取出倒扣出蛋糕,放在蛋糕盘上,即可切块享用。
Leave the cake inside the oven to cool about 1 hour with door ajar.  Chill in the fridge for 4 hours before serving.

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